
Trans Youth CAN!


Study Results

Stories of Care

The results posted here are from a companion qualitative project, “Stories of Gender-Affirming Care,” taking place at 3 of the clinics (Winnipeg, Montreal, Ottawa) also participating in the Trans Youth CAN! project.

Stories of Care-International Journal of Transgenderism
The Experiences of Gender Diverse and Trans Children and Youth Considering and Initiating Medical Interventions in Canadian Gender-Affirming Specialty Clinics

Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Suerich-Gulick, F., Temple-Newhook, J. , Feder, S. Lawson, M., Ducharme, J. Ghosh, S. and Holmes, C. (2019) The Experiences of Gender Diverse and Trans Children and Youth Considering and Initiating Medical Interventions in Canadian Gender-Affirming Specialty Clinics.  International Journal of Transgenderism.

Stories of Care-Journal of Family Issues
Parents’ Journeys to Acceptance and Support of Gender Diverse and Trans Children and Youth

Pullen Sansfaçon, A.,Kirichenko V.  Holmes, C.,  Feder, S. Lawson, M.L. , Ghosh, S. Ducharme, J. Temple-Newhook, and J. Suerich-Gulick, F. (2019) Parents’ Journeys to Acceptance and Support of Gender Diverse and Trans Children and Youth.  Journal of Family Issues. Résumé : Au cours des cinq dernières années au Canada, les cliniciens ont observé un nombre… read more »

Stories of Care-International Journal of Transgender Health
I knew that I wasn’t cis, I knew that, but I didn’t know exactly”: gender identity development, expression and affirmation in youth who access gender affirming medical care.

Pullen Sansfacon A. Medico D, Surich-Gullick  F, et Temple Newhook J. (2020) “I knew that I wasn’t cis, I knew that, but I didn’t know exactly”: gender identity development, expression and affirmation in youth who access gender affirming medical care. International Journal of Transgender Health.

CPATH 2019
Parents, Caregivers, and Families of Trans and Non-Binary Youth in Clinical Care:New Research from the Stories of Care Project and Trans Youth CAN!

Pullen Sansfaçon A, Temple Newhook J, Bauer G, Lawson M. Parents, caregivers, and families of trans and non-binary youth in clinical care: New research from the Stories of Care Project and Trans Youth CAN! Panel presented at the Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health Conference; 2019 November 1; Montreal, Canada.

CPATH 2019
Trans and Non-Binary Youth in Clinical Care:New Research from Trans Youth CAN! and the Stories of Care Project

Bauer G, Lawson M, Pullen Sansfaçon A, Suerich-Gulick F. Trans and non-binary youth in clinical care: New research from the Trans Youth CAN! and the Stories of Care project. Panel presented at: Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health Conference; 2019 November 2; Montreal, Canada.  

EPATH 2019
The Experiences of Parents/Caregivers Accompanying Gender Diverse and Trans Children and Youth Attending Specialty Clinics: The Stories of Gender-Affirming Care Project

Pullen Sansfaçon A, Ghosh S, Feder S, Lawson M, Ducharme J, Holmes C, Temple-Newhook J, Suerick-Gulick F, Kirichenko V, on behalf of the Stories of Gender-Affirming Care team. The experiences of parents/caregivers accompanying gender diverse and trans children and youth attending specialty clinics: Stories of gender affirming care project. Poster presented at: European Professional Association for Transgender… read more »

WPATH 2018
The Experiences of Gender Diverse and Trans Children and Youth Attending Specialty Clinics

Pullen Sansfaçon A, Suerich-Gulick F, Temple-Newhook J, Holmes C, Ducharme J, Feder S, Lawson M, Ghosh S. The experiences of gender diverse and trans children and youth attending specialty clinics: the stories of gender-affirming care project. Paper presented at: World Professional Association for Transgender Health; 2018 Nov 2-6; Buenos Aries, Argentina.

WPATH 2018
The Experiences of Parents/Caregivers Accompanying Gender Diverse and Trans Children and Youth Attending Specialty Clinics

Pullen Sansfaçon A, Kirichenko V, Suerich-Gulick F, Holmes C, Temple-Newhook J, Ducharme J, Feder S, Lawson M, Ghosh S. The experiences of parents/caregivers accompanying gender diverse and trans children and youth attending specialty clinics: the stories of gender-affirming care project. Paper presented at: World Professional Association for Transgender Health; 2018 Nov 2-8; Buenos Aries, Argentina.